Market Data Information

Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers (QFVG) and Ausmarket Consultants have entered into a partnership providing Grower Members with access to monthly fruit and vegetable market price information and data. Through this partnership, Members also have the opportunity to access daily market reports at a discounted rate.

Ausmarket Consultants is an independently owned and operated business located in the Brisbane Produce Markets, Queensland. Ausmarket, in association with Market Information Services and Brisbane Market Produce Surveyors, have been servicing the Horticulture Industry since 1992.

Ausmarket offers a range of services to all sectors of the industry including State and Federal Government, Grower Organisations, Financial Institutions, Major Retailers, Consultants, Educational Facilities, Industry Organisations, Restaurants/Hotels, Independent Retailers, Wholesalers, and most importantly Individual Growers. Their primary business activity is the supply of Fruit and Vegetable Market Price Data. There are numerous Data options available to meet the needs of all industry participants that require ongoing, up to date and/or historic fruit and vegetable price information.

Ausmarket compiles National Market Reports containing price and product data from each of the main wholesale central markets based in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide.

This information is utilised for several different purposes including the monitoring of daily fluctuating prices, seasonal variations, new product lines, analysing previous and current trends and forecasting models.

In addition to the data and information services, Ausmarket offer a wide range of quality assessment and quality monitoring services which include fruit maturity testing, loss assessment, independent outturn and arrival assessments, retail monitoring and pre-delivery compliance inspections.

Ausmarket Consultants can be contacted by:
07 3379 4576

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Market Data Reports

Queensland Fruit & Vegetable Growers (QFVG) and Ausmarket Consultants have entered into a partnership providing Grower Members with access to monthly fruit and vegetable market price information and data.

Through this partnership, Members also have the opportunity to access daily market reports at a discounted rate.