Natural Disaster & Support Resources
DPI Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey
If you experience any damage or loss to your property from any natural disaster event, we encourage you to fill out the Queensland DPI Agriculture Disaster Impact Survey, to help decision-makers in understanding the impacts.
DPI rely on data collected by industry and local government to activate disaster assistance. The information captured via this survey supports the DPI in processing applications for assistance efficiently, to support recovery.
Please remember to:
Take date-stamped photographs and include these in the Impact Survey
Select 'Growcom' as your industry group, when submitting your form to allow us to view your information and assist further.
QFVG has developed a number of glovebox guides specific to horticulture.
The Toolkits include a list of emergency contacts, an emergency kit checklist, a Climate Risk Assessment Template and much more to help you be prepared whatever the weather.
Horticultural Natural Disaster Toolkits:
Horticultural Bushfire Toolkit:
To get back to business sooner, use these 4 stages to help your business manage a natural disaster:
prevent and prepare
Find out more about cyclone and storm surge preparation for primary producers.
• Police, Fire, Ambulance - Triple Zero (000)
• SES - 132 500
• Ergon Energy - 13 19 62
• Road traffic and travel information - 13 19 40
• Queensland Fire & Emergency Services
You are not alone. Help is available from a range of services and resources.
• Queensland Health (directory of services)
• Rural Financial Counselling Service North Queensland
• Royal Flying Doctor Service: Mental Health Resources
• Royal Flying Doctor Service: Mental Health and Wellbeing on the Land
• Rural Aid free counselling and wellbeing mental health program
• Small Business Wellness Coaches (offered through Business Queensland)
• Lifeline Farmer to Farmer: 1800 936 229
• 13 YARN: 13 92 76
• Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
• Lifeline: 13 11 14
• MensLine: 1300 78 99 78
• Headspace: 1800 650 890
Primary producers in eligible local government areas may be able to access:
Financial support – administered through the Queensland Rural & Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) this can include:
Disaster Assistance Loans (up to $250,000)
Disaster Assistance (Essential Working Capital) Loans (up to $100,000)
Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Grants.
Before submitting any application, please refer to the Application tips for primary production businesses document produced by QRIDA.
Freight subsidies – funding to help with moving livestock, fodder and building equipment.
Emergency hardship assistance - $180 per person, up to $900 for a family of 5 or more, to help purchase food, clothing and medical supplies or secure temporary accommodation.
Essential services hardship assistance grant - $150 per person, up to $750 for a family of 5 or more, to assist with your immediate essential needs following loss of essential service/s at your home for more than 5 consecutive days.
Essential household contents grant - Uninsured, low income earners may receive up to $1,765 for single adults and up to $5,300 for couples or families to help with repairing or replacing essential household contents, such as beds, linen and whitegoods, that have been damaged or lost in a disaster.
Structural assistance grant - Uninsured, low income, owner-occupiers may receive up to a maximum of $50,000 to help repair your home to make it safe, secure and habitable.
Essential services safety and reconnection grant - The Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Scheme (ESSRS) grant helps people who are uninsured, or unable to claim insurance, and who meet an income test, by providing a contribution towards inspecting, repairing and reconnecting essential services (i.e. electricity, gas, water or sewerage) that were damaged by a disaster.
If you have suffered significant damage as a result of a natural disaster but you aren't in the activation area, you can apply for the individual disaster stricken property (IDSP) declaration.
The Fair Work Ombudsman has provided the following information on employment entitlements during a natural disaster or emergencies.
Employment entitlements during natural disasters and emergencies
It's important for employers and workers to be prepared for the threat of a natural disaster. This page has important health and safety information about what to do before, during and after a natural disaster strikes.
The Queensland Government has provided the following resources to support agricultural industries to recover after flooding and high rainfall.
Learn how to meet your general biosecurity obligation to prevent spread of pests and diseases after a natural disaster.